Home » Affordable Power, Available For All: Cm Sindh Breaks Ground At Ke’s 73Rd Grid Station

Affordable Power, Available For All: Cm Sindh Breaks Ground At Ke’s 73Rd Grid Station

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Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister of Sindh, and Imtiaz Shaikh, Sindh Energy Minister, attended the groundbreaking ceremony for K-Electric (KEKANUPP-KE)’s Interconnection (KKI) grid. This is the 73rd grid in KE’s network, and it connects to the national grid, providing Karachi with more affordable electricity. 

As per the sources, KE’s senior leadership, Siemens CEO Markus Strohmeier, former administrator Karachi Murtaza Wahab, and other senior representatives of the Sindh government were present. 

The KKI grid will be the utility’s third interconnection to the national grid. These interconnections will be able to channel up to 2050 MW of electricity towards Karachi over the next decade. 

The Sindh Chief Minister acknowledged KE’s commitment to the megacity and stated, “When we sit together and work on challenges, solutions can be found. We should move forward with this spirit for the betterment of the common man. The Sindh government is working closely with KE to ensure that our province and its major cities thrive.” 

He further said that “The KKI grid will promote industrial development in Karachi and boost economic activities in the megacity and adjacent areas while generating more jobs and providing opportunities to take the economy further. 500 kV or high voltage grids are massive-scale projects, but KE is using advanced technology which enables them to construct the grid innovatively and efficiently.” 

Moreover, KE CEO, Moonis Alvi appreciated the support and remarked: “The KKI grid is a testament to the partnership between KE and the government of Sindh. I thank them for allocating 40 acres of land for the construction of this modernised grid. I am also grateful to the technical teams of Siemens who are working around the clock to complete the project. The additional supply, along with the 900 MW of efficient energy from our upcoming BQPS-III plant, will light up more homes, energise our industries, and move us towards a brighter, future.” 

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