Home » 350 Migrants On The Boat That Sank Off Greece Were From Pakistan

350 Migrants On The Boat That Sank Off Greece Were From Pakistan

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Pakistan is perhaps the only country in the world where the series of political, economic, social and human tragedies is not going to end. The recent chapter of mournful event opened in Greece where more than 300 Pakistanis lost their lives in open ocean.  

The Chairman of Pakistan’s Senate, Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani sent a condolence message to the grieved families in the words, “Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and we pray that departed souls find eternal peace. This devasting incidents underscores the urgent need to address and condemn the abhorrent act of illegal human trafficking.” 

Prime?Minister, Shahbaz Sharif tweeted on Sunday, “I assure the nation that those found negligent towards their duty will be held to account. Responsibility will be fixed after the inquiry and heads will roll.” ? 

The government had declared Monday a national day of mourning for those, died in the boat’s accident. More than 700 men, women and children were packed in the boat which could have carried the weight of about 300 people. 

It is reported that more than 8 lac Pakistanis left the country legally during the 2022. The majority of whom was educated ones. Number of those left their motherland illegally is not known exactly.  

A lot of questions arise in the mind of common Pakistani that what is happening here. Pakistan has been suffering from politico-economic crises for the decades and no sign of stability can be predicted in near future.

If people continue to migrate from Pakistan, a time will come when hardly a few Educated people will be residing in the country. 

Another question about this human tragedy arises about the attitude of Greece authorities. Why the things were handled in wrong way which ultimately led to a big human disaster. Tarak Aldroobi, a man who had three relatives on board told CNN that they had seen Greek authorities towing the boat with

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