Home » 40 made in Pakistan freight trains with Chinese technologies put into operation

40 made in Pakistan freight trains with Chinese technologies put into operation

by Haroon Amin
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About 40 freight trains were successfully built, grouped together and deployed in Pakistan. Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group Co., Ltd. stated that these wagons were produced locally with Chinese technologies.

The outstanding performance and quality of those waggons have garnered widespread recognition from Pakistan Railway enterprises and all sectors of society, thanks to technology transfer from Baotou Beifang Chuangye Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of First Machinery, the study states.

The project’s successful completion creates a new chapter for Pakistan by enabling local goods train production.

According to the research, it denotes the Chinese company’s expansion of its international trade operation from “product abroad” to “product + service abroad,” which would increase its competitiveness in the growth of foreign markets.

Read more: 30 China-made electric buses arrive in Islamabad for two new routes

The Pakistani side claims that producing these waggons domestically is an essential step in lowering reliance on imports and preserving foreign currency.

Goods trains can now move containers more effectively thanks to new design, which also increases their adaptability. The conveyance of commercial commodities was previously significantly delayed by the slow speed of goods trains. The speed of goods trains would reach 100 km/h with the addition of these new waggons to our fleet, a Lahore Railway Station official stated. The 820 waggon project, which was signed on December 23, 2021, between Beifang Chuangye and Pakistan Railways, includes the supply of those waggons.

Covering CBU, SKD, and CKD technologies, the project consists of 800 high capacity waggons and 20 brake vans. There have been 200 car deliveries by 2023. It is planned that in June 2024, the Tianjin port would ship the last shipment of CKD goods.

It will not take long for Pakistan to complete the manufacturing and distribution of SKD and CKD vehicles.

Beifang Chuangye said that by the conclusion of the fiscal year 2025-2026, all 820 new cars will be included into the Pakistani railway network.

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