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Hadith Books

صحيح مسلم

Sahih Muslim

Sahih Muslim in Urdu & English - It is the second most perfect collection of hadith after Sahih Muslim, it enables a series of 7563 hadith or Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), and every hadith have 58 chapters, it is compiled by Imam Muslim. The book is related to Sunni Muslims and Zaidi Muslim Shia sects. Here every hadees have their own kind of importance and significance.

1 to 93

94 to 535

841 to 1165

2276 to 2508

2509 to 2794

2795 to 2806

2807 to 3414

3415 to 3585

3586 to 3670

3671 to 3762

3823 to 3984

3985 to 4163

4188 to 4229

4230 to 4261

4262 to 4281

4282 to 4370

4734 to 5005

5163 to 5421

5685 to 5901

5926 to 5938

5939 to 5980

5981 to 6212

6769 to 6821

6822 to 6852

7001 to 7071