"Yunhi" is a television drama series directed by Muhammad Ehteshamuddin and starring Maya Ali and Bilal Ashraf in the lead roles. The show follows the love story of Dawood, a simple-minded man, and Kaneez Fatima, a strong-willed woman, who come from the same cultural background but have grown up in different environments. Despite their differing views on life, they learn to tolerate and appreciate each other. This lighthearted drama explores cultural diversity and features a talented cast including Behroze Sabzwari, Deepak Perwani, Tazeen Hussain Tahira Imam, Manzoor Qureshi, Maha Hassan, Khaqan Shahnawaz, Uzma Baig, Saad Faridi, Laiba Khurram, and others. Produced by Momina Duraid Productions, "Yunhi" is sure to be a captivating and enjoyable show.