Home » Mystery Child Walking On Fenced Track Blamed For Green Line Bus Accident In Karachi

Mystery Child Walking On Fenced Track Blamed For Green Line Bus Accident In Karachi

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The Green Line Bus driver who was engaged in a terrible accident on Friday morning claimed that an unidentified child who suddenly appeared on the track was to blame.

He slammed on the brakes to prevent hitting the kid, which caused the bus to skid and crash into the fence across from it. Around the pillars of the Nagan Chowrangi flyover, the GL-033 bus halted.

Following the collision, the passengers were so afraid that several of them shattered the bus’s passenger window to get out because the doors were locked. Despite some minor injuries among the passengers, the bus was taken off the track within 30 minutes, and regular service was resumed.

According to Abdul Aziz, general manager of operations for Sindh Infrastructure Development Company Ltd, which oversees the Green Line, all of their buses are sufficiently insured and have enough spare parts to last for at least three years, the damaged bus would be repaired.

The squatters who live beneath the Nagan Chowrangi flyover have written to Karachi’s commissioner about their situation, he also acknowledged.

Aziz continued by mentioning a previous instance on the Orange Line track where a grownup impeded the path of the bus and caused damage.

He said that the recent incident was still under investigation and that the buses were equipped with digital video cameras, which should shed light on the accident’s real cause.

The accident was caused by a wandering youngster getting on the bus track, as reported by both eyewitnesses and Shahid Taj, the Sir Syed Town police SHO.

The bus driver was hurt as well as a throng gathered to beat him up, despite the fact that numerous female passengers also suffered injuries.

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