Home » ITU Lahore Launches First Virtual Reality Classes in Pakistan

ITU Lahore Launches First Virtual Reality Classes in Pakistan

by Haroon Amin
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At the Information Technology University of Lahore, virtual reality classes for the first time in Pakistan have started.

Information Technology University is the first university in Pakistan to provide classes in the metaverse. As such, students enrolled in online courses will now feel as though they are participating in a traditional classroom.

Teachers and students can be in any nation or city; all they need to do is put on a virtual reality headset to join the class. A board for the instructor and a projector will be available.

Students’ motions in the metaverse are perceptible in addition to their inquiries and responses. Students report that they find it easier to understand the material since the virtual classroom is so realistic.

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Ibrahim Ghaznavi, head of the department of computer sciences at ITU Lahore, claims that this approach of introducing virtual reality classes will not only conserve energy but also boost students’ academic performance.

He claimed that since students did not understand online courses and they were not grounded in reality, improvements to the facilities were required when online learning began following COVID-19. The University of Denmark and the university have inked a contract as part of the pilot initiative.

The information technology sector believes that sooner or later, the international community would recognise Pakistan’s significance in this area if lawmakers pass legislation supporting contemporary technology and use it to further education.

The ITU Lahore program was reportedly developed in partnership with support from the University of Denmark. It may also take inspiration from the university’s spiritual alma mater, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

ITU Lahore was founded in 2012 with the stated intention of emulating MIT’s success in the field of technology and engineering. It has various partnerships with other noteworthy universities and corporations including Harvard and IBM.

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