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Homeopathy Can Cure Diseases Naturally By Balancing The Life Force

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According to practitioners, in the alternative medical system of homoeopathy, ailments can be spontaneously cured by balancing the life force. 

Each person has a tremendous amount of life force. According to Rita Kaya, a German homoeopath who lives in Turkey, we need to comprehend this energy. She added that homoeopathy is a secure and comprehensive therapy method that considers a patient’s overall bodily, spiritual, and emotional health. Homoeopathy is based on the idea that likes are treated by likes 

“Homeopathy reveals the reasons for diseases such as sadness, anger, resentment, accident, financial problems, natural disasters, etc.,” she said, adding that they apply individual treatment offering unique remedies. 

She said that the elements in the medicines are taken straight from nature in the form of flowers, leaves, vegetables, fruits, and seeds. 

She emphasised that homoeopathic treatments are not tested on animals and that the most crucial rule is to do no damage. She said, “On the contrary, they are utilised to treat both plants and animals. Kaya, a homoeopath in practice for over 27 years, added that some individuals see homoeopathy with scepticism. 

“Many patients take handfuls of drugs. “People don’t understand homoeopathy, which recommends only one medicine,” she said. Stressing that the “dosis minima” (minimum dose) principle is significant in curing, she said overdosing or incorrect use of remedies could lead to side effects.


“It is very modern and popular right now because some diseases cannot be cured with medication and even worsen,” she said, adding that homoeopathic treatments can give 80% positive results. 

She continued by saying that a variety of illnesses and ailments, including as muscular disorders, menopause-related pain, stomach and digestive issues, illnesses of the upper respiratory tract, illnesses of infants and children, and sports injuries, may be treated with homoeopathy. 



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